
Beatrix von Storch’s Bold Resistance Against Leftist Assaults

Beatrix von Storch, vice-speaker of the Alternative for Germany (AfD) party and member of the German Bundestag, was subjected to a vile attack.

A man, under the guise of wanting a selfie, smeared animal feces on her during an event in Daun, a town in the western state of Rhineland-Palatinate. This incident marks a new low in the tactics employed by radical leftists against their political opponents.

Von Storch, however, remained undeterred. Born into the Von Oldenburg family and related to the late Prince Philip, Duke of Edinburgh, and King Charles III, she is no stranger to adversity.

She responded to the attack with grace and resilience, stating, “We fight with better arguments; AfD haters fight with feces.”

Her response was not just a testament to her personal strength but also a reflection of the AfD’s resolve. As the party’s popularity soars to 21%, making it the most popular single party in Germany, it has been met with increasing hostility.

Just this month, AfD candidate Andreas Jurca was brutally attacked in Augsburg, leaving him battered and bruised.

Despite these violent attacks, von Storch remains steadfast in her commitment to her party and her country.

She declared the following:

“We will counter their hate with the strength of our faith and our love of our country. Love is always stronger than hate. No matter what despicable means they resort to, we will fight unwaveringly and now more decisively for the spiritual and moral renewal of our nation. Love will triumph over hate, that’s why we will triumph over them.”

The threats are not limited to verbal or physical assaults. On August 27, a man was apprehended while attempting to enter a von Storch event armed with three knives in Hesse.

The potential danger was averted, and von Storch expressed her relief, saying, “I don’t know what he was doing with those knives, but I’m glad they didn’t let him in.”

Following the feces attack, von Storch filed charges against the perpetrator, who is now under investigation. The event had drawn around 80-85 participants, while up to 120 Antifa accomplices threatened the audience outside.

Despite the intimidation, von Storch continues to stand firm, meeting these attacks with “love” and “faith.”

In a video published on her Twitter account, von Storch addressed the incident, saying, “Yesterday there was another disgusting attack on me and the AfD in Rhineland-Palatinate.”

Her courage and determination in the face of such adversity serve as a beacon of hope for her supporters and a stark reminder of the lengths some will go to silence opposing views.

As the AfD continues to rise in popularity, it is clear that the party and its leaders, like von Storch, will not be deterred by these acts of violence and intimidation.

They remain committed to their cause, standing strong in their faith and love for their country.

This article appeared in Mainstpress and has been published here with permission.

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Written by Western Reader

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