
Biden Administration Prepares for Potential COVID-19 Lockdowns

As the Biden administration begins to procure COVID-19 equipment and hire safety protocol advisors, speculation is rife about a potential return to pandemic-era lockdowns and mandates.

This information comes from an exclusive report by War Room, which has been closely monitoring the situation.

The Gateway Pundit previously reported the Biden administration is preparing to reinstate full COVID-19 lockdowns, starting with mask mandates for TSA and airport employees as early as mid-September.

This information was first reported by Infowars, who received details from a high-level TSA official. The official revealed that TSA managers were informed of new memorandums and policies that would reintroduce mask-wearing mandates.

These policies are set to be reinstated for TSA and airport employees starting in mid-September.

The TSA official also hinted at further escalation of the policy, with details expected to be released soon. By mid-October, mask-wearing will be mandated for pilots, flight staff, passengers, and all airport patrons.

This information was corroborated by a trusted Border Patrol source in a managerial position, confirming similar measures were being planned for Border Patrol personnel.

This raises questions about the Biden administration’s future plans regarding the pandemic, especially given the timing and nature of these contracts.

The task order, referred to as “EO14042,” includes a “modification to add FAR 52.223-99 ensuring adequate COVID-19 safety protocols for federal contractors (OCT 2021) (DEVIATION).”

This contract is set to expire in August of next year, suggesting a long-term strategy.

The media is now pushing for another lockdown, with health experts and media outlets raising concerns about a new COVID variant BA.2.86 after a highly mutated strain was reported in Michigan.

Sources in DHS and Emergency Management are already preparing for lockdowns and restrictions.

Infowars reported that it was not a matter of “if” but “when” official Covid numbers will go back up, with a return to forced-masking policies expected by mid-October. This rollout will be in tandem with the new Covid “variant” hysteria that the MSM has been reporting on this week.

Government contracts, including those from significant entities such as the Department of Defense (DOD), show a considerable expenditure of taxpayer funds towards the procurement of COVID-19-related items like test kits.

Some of these contracts are even scheduled to begin next month, including September and October.

For instance, the DOD has awarded Hologic Sales and Service LLC a significant $1.5 million contract scheduled to begin on October 1st and with a potential end date in May 2024.

These funds are explicitly designated for “Hologic COVID testing services in support of the Department of Pathology at Madigan Army Medical Center, Tacoma, WA 98431. (New Delivery Order).”

As we continue to monitor the situation, it is crucial to stay informed and prepared for any changes in the coming months.

This article appeared in
The Record Daily and has been published here with permission.

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Written by Western Reader

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