
Bizarre Charge Awaits Trump Amidst Alleged Persecution in Biden Administration

Former President Trump is expected to face a bizarre charge in a new indictment by the Biden Justice Department.

The Leak Follows Whistleblowers’ Anti-Biden Revelations

Trump recently revealed that he received a “target letter” from Special Counsel Jack Smith, indicating that he will likely be indicted again.

It appears that Smith, who is leading federal charges against Trump on classified documents and related to the January 6th incident, leaked the target letter to the New York Times, according to a report by Gateway Pundit.

Gateway Pundit highlights that The New York Times report suggests Smith may accuse Trump of civil rights violations from the Civil War era.

Interestingly, this revelation about the expected new charges against Trump comes shortly after the GOP-led House Oversight Committee presented evidence that the Biden family received $17 million from foreign sources, potentially as part of influence peddling and bribery schemes.

Left ‘Bastardizes’ the Law

Gateway Pundit points out that The New York Times’ report on Trump’s potential third indictment came just after two IRS whistleblowers, Joe Ziegler and Gary Shapley, provided damning testimony about the Bidens before three Republican-led House committees.

The article quotes three sources “familiar with the matter” who claim that Biden’s prosecutors have introduced a “new twist” in the investigation by suggesting that Trump should be charged with violating civil rights legislation dating back to the period after the Civil War.

It is evident that the left’s anti-Trump campaign has become a vicious crusade aimed at politically taking him down. However, it seems unlikely that they will succeed, as Trump appears to be on the path to win the 2024 election.

This article appeared in Mainstpress and has been published here with permission.

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Written by Western Reader

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