
Canadian Armed Forces Sue for $500 Million Over Vaccine Mandates

The COVID-19 pandemic was one most of us will remember for the remainder of our lives. A virus with a mortality rate as low as 2% was treated as if only 2% of the infected would survive.

Mask and vaccine mandates were absolutely unnecessary. Looking back at it, there was never a need for mass vaccination, especially considering it’s been found that those who received multiple booster shots were more prone to re-infection.

The vaccines were basically doing more damage than the virus itself.

Now, slightly over 300 active and former members of the Canadian Armed Forces have taken things into their own hands, filing a class-action lawsuit against the high-ranking officers of the CAF who approved the mandate.

In their statement, the CAF members claimed they were forced to vaccinate with an untested product that has been mislabeled as safe and efficient one time too many.

Those who refused to vaccinate were permanently removed from the service.

This only goes to show who’s actually pulling the strings here. To make matters worse, those who did vaccinate received permanent damage and injury because of these anti-viral measures.

Those who didn’t comply with the mandate immediately left the CAF, whether it was of their own volition or through expulsion, with the latter being marked as “unsuitable for further service.”

Know your rights

No matter how you look at it, this was a blatant abuse of power on the part of the Canadian Armed Forces, especially since there’s an established law giving these soldiers a right to privacy and the ability to choose medical treatment.

Political agenda took priority over the safety of the soldiers keeping Canada safe, causing great damage to the operational readiness and effectiveness of the CAF. They lost hundreds of members from the moment the mandate was imposed.

On top of this, the CDS went out of their way to punish anyone who didn’t or couldn’t comply with the vaccination mandate, ignoring the requirements of the National Defense Act, which would’ve given each service member a chance for their case to be heard.

This class-action lawsuit may lead others to take a stand for their rights as well, as it’s not uncommon for these trends to surpass national borders.

This article appeared in The Record Daily and has been published here with permission.

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Written by Western Reader

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