
Chief of Capitol Police’s Plea for National Guard Disregarded

The former Capitol Police Chief, Steven Sund, expressed his frustration at the bureaucratic obstacles and political interference that hindered his efforts to protect the Capitol on January 6. Sund’s account reveals a system that failed him and the Capitol during a critical moment.

Unlike other police chiefs, Sund was required to seek approval from Congress to protect the Capitol. Even as the Capitol came under attack, Sund had to request assistance from the very people who had passed the law limiting his authority.

Despite having 340 National Guard troops activated, Sund was unable to deploy them without permission. The situation quickly escalated.

As soon as the Capitol came under attack, Sund contacted DC assistant police chief Jeff Carroll and the Sergeant at Arms, pleading for military assistance. However, his pleas were ignored. House Sergeant at Arms Paul Irving merely promised to inform then-House Speaker Nancy Pelosi.

As the crisis worsened, Sund’s frustration grew. The shooting of Ashlii Babbitt became a turning point. Sund asked, “We have shots fired on the US Capitol, is that urgent enough for you now?” However, the National Guard did not arrive until 6 pm, long after the New Jersey State Police had reached the Capitol.

Sund also raised concerns about how intelligence was handled. He claimed that significant intelligence was available but not properly communicated to him. Many individuals chose to become whistleblowers or resign as a result. Sund himself was discouraged from testifying, fueling his suspicion that something was amiss.

Furthermore, Sund was denied support by Lt.-Gen. Walter Piatt and Gen. Charles Flynn due to concerns about the optics of having the National Guard on Capitol Hill.

Sund’s ordeal did not end there. On January 4th, Acting Secretary of Defense Christopher Miller issued a memo restricting the National Guard from carrying weapons or civil disobedience equipment. Sund found this move baffling, as it contradicted the imminent threat of violence.

In an interview with Tucker Carlson, Sund made serious allegations against Pelosi, Mitch McConnell, and the Pentagon leadership. He claimed that despite several warnings of potential violence, he was not informed. Sund also criticized the decision to lock down the city without his knowledge, despite his role in issuing permits for demonstrations on Capitol Hill.

Sund’s revelations expose a system plagued by bureaucratic red tape and political interference.

This article appeared in The Patriot Brief and has been published here with permission.

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Written by Western Reader

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