
Chilly Reception: Maui Fire Survivors Refrain from Welcoming Biden

As President Joe Biden’s motorcade rolled into Lahaina, Maui, the reception was far from warm.

The president, who arrived nearly two weeks after the devastating Maui fire, was met with a barrage of middle fingers and expletives from the survivors. This chilly welcome was a stark contrast to the tropical paradise that Maui is known for.

Tony Kinnett, a reporter for The Daily Signal, witnessed the palpable anger among the locals.

He tweeted, “Y’all have no idea how LIVID the locals on Maui are to this.” He further added that one man was so angry about a comment regarding “almost losing the ’67 Corvette” that he was ready to throw his chair.

Rebel News reporter Lincoln Jay also captured the mood of the residents. He posted a video of a lone resident expressing his displeasure at Biden’s arrival by flipping him off.

The resident’s message was clear – he believed the entire system in place in the US government was corrupt.

Adding to the visual protest, Jay also shared a photo of a house with “No comment…and no ice cream” spray-painted in white letters. This was a clear jab at Biden’s silence and his well-known love for ice cream.

Fox News reporter Will Cain, who owns property in Maui, reposted a video showing a group of angry Maui fire survivors hurling f-bombs at Biden as his motorcade passed by.

Cain noted that there was significant disappointment among the locals about how long it took Biden to visit the fire-ravaged island.

Jeremy Loffredo, another reporter on the scene, highlighted the stark contrast between Biden’s grand arrival and the plight of the locals.

He noted Biden’s motorcade of tinted windows and giant SUVs was a far cry from the reality of the destitute Hawaiian locals who had just endured a massive loss.

Despite the hostile reception, Jill Biden was seen waving from the presidential SUV, indicating that Joe was indeed on the side facing the angry residents.

However, only a handful of supporters showed up to greet Biden, a dismal turnout considering Maui’s population of 145,000.

At the end of the day, Biden’s delayed visit to Maui was met with anger and disappointment from the fire survivors. The president’s cold reception serves as a stark reminder of the growing disillusionment among Americans toward their leaders.

It remains to be seen whether this incident will serve as a wake-up call for the Biden administration.

This article appeared in Our Patriot and has been published here with permission.

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Written by Western Reader

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