
Colorado GOP Members Seek to Impede Trump’s Potential 2024 Presidential Candidacy

Six Republicans have filed a lawsuit in an attempt to prevent former President Trump from appearing on the 2024 presidential ballot in Colorado. This bold move has surprised many, as it is being led by members of Trump’s own party.

The lawsuit claims that Trump tried to undermine the results of the 2020 election, casting doubt on the integrity of the nation’s electoral system.

Furthermore, it accuses him of inciting a violent insurrection at the U.S. Capitol on January 6, 2021, and failing to take action to protect the Capitol or stop the mob for nearly three hours during the attack.

The plaintiffs argue that these actions amount to an insurrection against the Constitution, which, under Section 3 of the Fourteenth Amendment, disqualifies Trump from running for president again.

Among the Republicans leading this effort are former Colorado House and Senate Majority leader Norma Anderson and Krista Kafer, a conservative columnist for the Denver Post.

Anderson, who served as a state legislator for 19 years, stated that she is proud to continue her work of protecting constitutional freedoms by filing this lawsuit.

Kafer, a longtime Republican who voted for Trump, expressed her belief that Trump has disqualified himself from running in 2024 through spreading lies, attacking election workers, and inciting the Capitol attack.

This is not the first lawsuit filed to remove Trump from the 2024 ballot. A previous lawsuit filed in federal court sought to ban Trump from the ballot for inciting an insurrection. However, the judge ruled that the attorney lacked standing to bring the lawsuit.

Meanwhile, Arizona Secretary of State Adrian Fontes has also questioned Trump’s eligibility for the 2024 election in Arizona. However, he confirmed that he does not have the authority to bar Trump from the ballot due to the lack of a statutory process in federal law to enforce Section 3 of the Fourteenth Amendment.

The debate over Trump’s eligibility for the 2024 election has sparked various responses. Charlie Kirk, the Founder and CEO of Turning Point USA, proposed a countermove if Trump is removed from the ballot based on the Fourteenth Amendment. He suggested that if any official tries to remove Trump, the right should be prepared to remove Joe Biden from the ballot as well.

Harvard Law School Professor Alan Dershowitz also shared his opinion on the matter, labeling the attempt to use the Fourteenth Amendment to remove Trump from the ballot as “absurd.” He argued that the framers of the Constitution would never have allowed such a move.

What do you think?

Written by Western Reader

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