
‘Fat Liberation’ Campaign Sees Unilever’s Dove Partner with Controversial BLM Activist

Dove, the renowned soap brand owned by London-based multinational Unilever, has taken an unconventional approach to its marketing strategy.

Drawing inspiration from Bud Light’s marketing playbook, Dove partnered with a contentious figure to promote their products and propagate a progressive agenda.

The individual in question is Zyahna Bryant, a 22-year-old leftist community organizer and former DEI intern who recently graduated from the University of Virginia in Charlottesville.

Bryant, known for her radical stance and aversion to healthy living, has been embroiled in controversy for allegedly ruining a white student’s life over a misinterpreted comment.

Bryant’s activism roots run deep. At the tender age of 12, she organized her first rally for Trayvon Martin, marking the beginning of her lifelong antipathy towards the police.

In later years, she successfully petitioned for the removal of the Robert E. Lee statue in Charlottesville, Virginia, advocating for the erasure of certain elements of the area’s history.

Dove’s partnership with Bryant is part of a broader initiative aimed at combating body size discrimination and reshaping cultural conversations around beauty standards.

However, the campaign has raised eyebrows for its focus on the emotional impact of name-calling and bullying, rather than addressing the health risks associated with morbid obesity.

This isn’t Dove’s first foray into progressive campaigns. The company has a history of supporting radical groups like Black Lives Matter and investing heavily in social engineering efforts.

Earlier this year, Dove ran an ad celebrating a plus-sized video game character who discarded armor that made her appear thin, as part of a campaign to eliminate beauty stereotypes.

Bryant’s controversial past includes a notorious incident at the University of Virginia. She accused fellow student Morgan Bettinger of making a derogatory comment about BLM protestors, which led to severe repercussions for Bettinger.

However, investigations by two UVA organizations supported Bettinger’s claim that the comment was innocuous and misinterpreted by Bryant.

Despite the controversy, Bryant announced her partnership with Dove on Instagram. She is also supporting the work of the National Association to Advance Fat Acceptance and the Fat Legal Advocacy Rights and Education project.

Dove’s support for progressive causes extends beyond body positivity.

The company has been at the forefront of promoting radical gender ideology, featuring a transvestite in a 2017 ad titled “#RealMoms.” Dove also consistently supports LGBT activism, not just during Pride month, but every single day.

This article appeared in TheDailyBeat and has been published here with permission.

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Written by Western Reader

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