
Global Leaders Gather in China to Advance Their Agenda

A prominent group of global leaders recently convened in Communist China to discuss advancing their new “green” economy. The gathering, known as “Summer Davos,” is a significant World Economic Forum (WEF) meeting held in Tianjin, China. Noteworthy attendees included Chinese Premier Li Qiang and WEF head Klaus Schwab. The focus of the meeting centered around discussions on the “global transition,” which we will explore further.

Meeting of the ‘New Champions’

The substantial gathering, attended by approximately 1,500 individuals, was focused on fostering collaboration and advancing the “global transition” towards green energy and multilateralism. During the event, Schwab allowed Qiang to express his dissatisfaction with Western attempts to limit China’s involvement in the supply chain. Qiang, essentially criticizing former President Trump for protecting America from Chinese Communist manipulation and unfair trade practices, received applause from the audience and Schwab.

It is crucial to recognize that the globalist agenda, which aims to eliminate America as a priority, seeks to establish a one-world technocracy resembling Communist China. While the conference may have appeared as a positive gathering to share ideas, it essentially celebrated globalization and global tyranny.

Welcome to the Great Reset

While not everyone attending this meeting may have been involved in a grand conspiracy, the keynote speakers and prestigious panel discussions all revolved around accelerating the realization of Schwab’s vision of an interconnected global system. In his speech, where he lauded Qiang and China as the world’s leading superpower, Schwab also praised China’s strict COVID lockdown measures. The globalist goal of monitoring millions of individuals through emotion-reading sensors and implementing a centralized digital currency tied to behavior is closer to becoming a reality than we may realize.

The Bottom Line

The globalist agenda aims to create a global system reminiscent of Communist China. Consequently, it is not surprising that leaders gather at meetings like the “Summer Davos” to further their objectives. However, it is important to stay informed and understand the potential implications of these discussions.

This article appeared in StatesmanPost and has been published here with permission.

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Written by Western Reader

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