
Graphic Audio: Conservative Man Killed in his Home by Biden Administration

On the morning of Wednesday, August 9, a 74-year-old man was killed inside his home in Provo, Utah. The man, Craig Robertson, had allegedly been making constant threats on his social media against Joe Biden’s life, as well as other leftists such as Barack Obama.

According to court documents, Robertson said he would kill the president and others.

He also boasted about keeping ammo and loaded guns in his home in case the FBI or federal agents showed up and tried to violate his rights.

However, what happened next appears to have taken Robertson’s words and gave him a death sentence for them…

What we know so far is the U.S. District Court received a complaint about posts in which Robertson threatened to kill President Biden with a rifle. He also threatened to kill FBI agents and kill Alvin Bragg, the far-left New York County district attorney.

The FBI obtained a search warrant on the basis of Robertson’s posts and went to his home at nearby 400 North and 1200 West in Provo around 6 a.m.

Apparently, Robertson refused to leave his home, and soon a shootout broke out. There is footage of this moment being aired on the internet.

Yer, it’s unclear what happened before the shooting; audio seems to indicate there was not a violent confrontation or need to kill the man.

According to an official statement from the FBI, it said its agents are extremely professional and efficient and they take their work extremely seriously.

Per the FBI spokesman, the Robertson incident is under review by the FBI’s Inspection Division, but there’s no reason to have a lot of faith in that. Therefore, while the investigation takes place, the FBI will not give more details of the case.

Meanwhile, on the same day as the shooting, President Biden continued as normal with his routine of appointments. On Wednesday afternoon, Biden visited the Veterans Hospital in Salt Lake City to commemorate one year of the Covenant Act.

It’s clear that conservatives are under attack and there’s no other way to interpret this.

This article appeared in FreshOffThePress and has been published here with permission.

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Written by Western Reader

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