
Mike Lindell Supports Former Jan. 6 Prisoner Derrick Evans in His Congressional Campaign

West Virginia state Representative Derrick Evans was arrested during the January 6 protests for simply complementing the Capitol Police and giving them a fist bump.

Evans later pleaded guilty to felony civil disorder and spent six months behind bars in federal prison.

As of January 2023, he is officially running for the United States House of Representatives and has received an endorsement from Mike Lindell.

Evans Decided to Run for Federal Office After the Events of January 6

Evans was a member of the West Virginia House of Delegates, having been elected in 2020, but resigned three days after the events of January 6.

Despite not initially intending to run for federal office, Evans decided to do so due to the post-January 6 consequences and what he perceived as President Biden’s ongoing attacks against “MAGA Republicans.”

Evans currently resides in West Virginia’s 1st district, which is mostly Republican. He believes that many of the district’s residents support the border wall, election integrity, energy independence, and oppose the weaponization of the federal government against political opponents.

Evans Emphasizes the Importance of Civil Discourse with Opponents

Evans has criticized Representative Carol Miller, the current representative of the 1st district, for being too accommodating to the left. He points to her support for funding Ukraine, backing the coronavirus vaccines, supporting lockdown measures, and her recent vote to increase the debt ceiling.

Evans identifies himself as a Freedom Caucus/TEA Party conservative, setting himself apart from Miller, whom he sees as more aligned with the establishment.

Despite concerns about the credibility of the 2020 election, Evans believes that the GOP managed to overcome challenges and can do so again.

Overall, Evans aims to improve the state of the American constitutional republic for future generations.

This article appeared in The Political Globe and has been published here with permission.

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Written by Western Reader

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