
NASA Studies Alleged UFO ‘Expert’ Claiming Prayer Can Summon ‘Alien Orbs’

Chris Bledsoe, a self-styled UFO expert, claims that he has the ability to summon alien orbs through prayer. Bledsoe, formerly a homebuilder, states that he has possessed this unique ability for the past 15 years.

He recounts an incident from a 2007 fishing trip where, in a moment of desperation after his business struggled following the 9/11 attacks, he prayed and an orb appeared in the dark.

Since that incident, Bledsoe claims he has been able to summon these orbs using only his thoughts.

Bledsoe’s account has been investigated in a recent History Channel documentary as part of their UFO-themed series ‘Beyond Skinwalker Ranch’.

A team of professionals, including a former CIA investigator and a decorated journalist, tried to scrutinize Bledsoe’s story but could not reach any concrete conclusions.

This development follows the shocking claims made by whistleblower David Grusch at a congressional hearing earlier this month, where he alleged that the US government has taken extreme measures, including committing murders, to keep UFOs a secret.

David Grusch, a former high-ranking intelligence officer, is one of three military whistleblowers who have testified.

Grusch stated that the US has had UFOs in its possession since the 1930s, engaged in a covert reverse-engineering program, and simultaneously ran a public misinformation campaign to prevent the disclosure of details.

During the hearing, Representative Tim Burchett (R-Tenn) questioned Grusch about some of the claims he made.

Grusch, along with Navy veteran fighter pilot Commander David Fravor and former pilot Ryan Graves who witnessed the 2004 ‘Tic Tac’ UFO, was sworn in on Wednesday.

Grusch also made further allegations, claiming that numerous reliable intelligence officials had informed him that the US government had retrieved non-human aircraft with biological pilots.

The former US intelligence officer also stated that he is aware of ‘several colleagues’ who sustained physical injuries from encounters with UFOs or while working on them as part of special access programs.

This article appeared on Right Wing Insider and has been published here with permission.

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Written by Western Reader

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