
People Across The Globe Marched In Solidarity With Demonstrators In Iran

Thousands of people from different nations have come together to express solidarity with the ongoing anti-government protests in Iran. These demonstrations are a response to the violent crackdowns initiated by the police against individuals criticizing Iran’s mandatory hijab laws.

In Berlin, approximately 37,000 people participated in a demonstration on Saturday afternoon, as confirmed by the police. Likewise, in Washington, DC, hundreds of individuals marched on the National Mall, waving Iranian flags and chanting slogans like “Be scared, be scared, we are one in this.” In Tehran, several universities organized additional protests on Sunday.

The catalyst for this outcry was the tragic death of Mahsa Amini, a 22-year-old Iranian Kurdish woman who died while in the custody of Iran’s morality police. Amini was arrested for wearing tight pants and not properly adhering to the hijab dress code. Her family publicly believes that she was tortured and murdered.

The protests have now spread throughout Iran, with many calling for the downfall of the conservative regime. The international community has swiftly condemned Iran’s theocratic rule and its harsh suppression of protesters. President Joe Biden is among those who have criticized Iran’s actions.

Here are some images of the marches that took place over the weekend, from Tokyo to London and Sydney:

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Written by Western Reader

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