
Seoul Halloween Crowd Surge Kills Over 100 People

A lady named Janelle Story, aged 35, relayed her encounter to BuzzFeed News. She was participating in a bar crawl in Seoul when she came across the massive crowds on the street. By 8:30 p.m., the area was already swarming with people, making it challenging for anyone attempting to depart from the subway station. It took Janelle a total of 20 minutes to simply exit the station.

While transitioning from one bar to another near Hamilton Hotel, Janelle noticed that the crowds were tightly packed but didn’t appear perilous at the time.

She stated, “Despite feeling uneasy, nobody seemed ‘out of control.’ We were all merely moving at a sluggish and structured pace.”

However, around 10:30 p.m., Janelle began to experience a mounting sense of panic as she recorded the scene and shared it on Twitter.

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Written by Western Reader

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