
RFK Jr. Discredits Accusations of Being a “Conspiracy Theorist”

During an interview with Reason TV, Robert F. Kennedy Jr., nephew of President John F. Kennedy, responded to allegations of being a conspiracy theorist promoting baseless claims.

RFK Jr. asserts that he has not been presented with evidence to prove his beliefs incorrect.

RFK Jr. Asserts Beliefs on Coronavirus, HIV, Opioid Crisis Have Yet to be Proven False

Nick Gillespie, the editor of Reason Magazine, leveled the accusation that RFK Jr. engages in disseminating conspiracy theories.

Kennedy fired back at Gillespie during the interview, saying he was using mischaracterizations in the media to discern his actual beliefs.

Gillespie then presented a chart showing that coronavirus deaths are higher among unvaccinated people than those inoculated. Kennedy said his research suggests otherwise.

In response, Kennedy said he is more than willing to question public matters, as his father, Robert F. Kennedy, told him people with power lie consistently.

Kennedy expressed his stance on COVID-19 vaccination, emphasizing his support for individual choice, rather than mandating it.

Kennedy’s History of Being Skeptical of New Medical Advancements

During a town hall in June by Fox, Kennedy clarified he has never been against vaccines, reiterating this point numerous times. He then expressed his preference for “safe vaccines.”

The Food and Drug Administration, according to Kennedy, does not conduct thorough enough testing of vaccines to be safely used on the populace.

During the interview with Reason, Gillespie challenged other beliefs held by RFK Jr., including his assertion that AIDS patients can only develop the disease after contracting HIV and his concerns about the potential dangers of 5G and WiFi technology.

Kennedy also repeatedly accused the CIA of involvement in the assassinations of his uncle, JFK, and his father, Robert Kennedy.

In addition, RFK Jr. recently suggested a correlation between the rise in school shootings and the increased use of antidepressants like Prozac among young people.

This article appeared in The Political Globe and has been published here with permission.

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Written by Western Reader

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