
Russian Troops Enter Ukraine Capital Kyiv

Russian President Vladimir Putin has sent troops into Ukraine’s capital, Kyiv, despite facing tougher sanctions from the international community and widespread condemnation. The NATO North Atlantic Council, United Nations, and G7 leaders have all criticized this invasion.

Ukrainian President Zelensky has likened Russia’s actions to those of the Soviet Union, referring to the invasion as the “sound of the new Iron Curtain that’s falling and closing Russia from the civilized world.” Zelensky has called for strong international assistance in combating Russia’s aggression, warning that failure to do so will result in the war reaching their own doorsteps.

To support NATO members against Russian aggression, President Joe Biden has announced the deployment of additional troops to Germany. However, he clarified that US forces would not be directly engaged in frontline combat. Instead, Biden has imposed new sanctions on Russia, including blocking the assets of four major Russian banks, imposing export controls, and sanctioning more oligarchs and their families. He emphasized the gravity of the situation, stating, “This is a dangerous moment for all of Europe and freedom around the world.”

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Written by Western Reader

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