
Satanic Community Puts Forth Ambitious Agenda for Washington, DC

The Satanic Temple (TST) is an organization of abortion advocates who worship the devil. They have plans to mock Christianity that will take them to Washington, DC.

Here’s what they intend to do…

‘Let Us Burn’!

The TST and its co-founder Lucien Greaves have a band named Satanic Planet.

They plan to have a Let Us Burn tour near the US Capitol that will overshadow Christian musician Sean Feucht, who is hosting his “Let Us Worship” tour on the Capitol.

Greaves argues that his band has the right to play due to freedom of religion and claims that Feucht is a “theocrat” trying to convert people.

Greaves argues that the TST simply wants the right to express their own opinions and believes that they should be allowed to play on the Capitol grounds at the same time as Feucht’s worship band.

Greaves’ Argument

Greaves argues that since Feucht has been allowed to play in Capitol buildings in the past and has “public accommodation,” Satanic Planet should be afforded the same rights.

Satanic Planet performs special Satanic rituals to counteract baptisms at their shows and is now vowing to stop Feucht and his “theocratic extremists.”

They claim that Feucht’s message is “divisive” and should be prevented, advocating for religious “pluralism” instead.

Satanic Planet currently has a fundraiser to raise $15,000 for the concert, but they have only reached about one-fifth of their goal. If they don’t reach the goal, they plan to use the money they do collect to fund lawsuits.

The Naked Truth…

Those who support libertarianism and “free speech” should be careful not to be manipulated into Greaves’ argument. While he claims to support freedom, he and the TST are seeking to oppose laws and promote abortion against the will of the American people, as well as restrict the free exercise of the Christian faith.

If anyone is an extremist in this situation, it’s him and his ridiculous Satanic allies.

This article appeared in FreshOffThePress and has been published here with permission.

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Written by Western Reader

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