
Texas Implements Stricter Measures to Combat Drunk Driving

Drunk driving is a significant problem in the country, resulting in unnecessary loss of lives. It is a selfish and intentional act that disregards the severe consequences associated with it.

While there are already anti-drunk driving laws nationwide, the number of drunk driving cases indicates a need for stricter measures.

Fortunately, Texas is taking a strong stance against drunk driving. According to San Antonio Current, individuals who choose to drive drunk and cause the deaths of parents with children will now face serious consequences.

A Closer Look at the Lone Star State’s New Law

Texas Governor Abbott recently signed HB 393 into law. This new law mandates that if parents of a child under 18 are killed by a convicted drunk driver, the driver will be required to pay child support.

The amount of child support owed will be determined based on various factors, including the child’s education and living standards.

Furthermore, drunk drivers who owe child support under this law will need to begin making payments no more than 12 months after completing their prison sentence.

The implementation of Texas’ new anti-drunk driving law will start on Friday, September 1.

A Bellwether For Other States?

With Texas taking strong action against drunk driving, it remains to be seen if other states will implement similar laws.

No one should drive drunk, especially knowing the danger and harm it poses to others. Strengthening legislation reinforces the message that drunk driving will not be tolerated under any circumstances.

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Written by Western Reader

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