
The Alarming Rise of Rioters’ Gain in Democrat-Run Cities, spotlighting St. Louis

In a shocking turn of events, St. Louis, a city under Democratic leadership, joined the growing list of cities offering substantial payouts to leftist protesters and rioters who wreaked havoc in their communities.

This disturbing trend is not only rewarding destructive behavior but also draining taxpayer money.

The latest payout in St. Louis is linked to the aftermath of the acquittal of a police officer, Jason Stockley, who fatally shot Anthony Lamar Smith, a suspected heroin dealer.

The incident sparked widespread protests led by Black Lives Matter, resulting in significant damage and violence, including attacks on police officers with unknown chemicals.

In response to these protests, the St. Louis Police arrested approximately 80 protesters during the third day of rioting.

However, instead of holding these individuals accountable for their actions, the city decided to reward them. A lawsuit filed by the plaintiffs alleged that their rights were violated when police used a controversial “kettling” technique, leading to mass arrests.

The city agreed to pay out between $28,000 and over $150,000 to each plaintiff, totaling a staggering $4.9 million. Two recipients of this windfall, Dekita Roberts and Ali Bey, have already shared their plans to invest the funds and start a business, respectively.

This isn’t the first time St. Louis paid out large sums in connection with police actions.

The city has paid more than $10 million altogether, including a $5 million payment to Luther Hall, a black undercover officer who claimed he was assaulted by fellow police officers who mistook him for a protester.

This alarming trend isn’t confined to St. Louis. Over the past two years, New York City, Washington DC, and Denver have also agreed to pay millions in taxpayer money as settlements to protesters and rioters involved in violent protests.

Last month, New York City officials agreed to pay $13 million to violent protesters and rioters, with over 1,300 protesters eligible to receive nearly $9,950 each.

It’s worth noting that the number of police officers injured during these riots far exceeds those injured during the January 6 protests at the US Capitol.

In Washington, DC alone, 180 police officers were assaulted and injured during the BLM riots in the summer of 2020, compared to 114 officers assaulted at the Capitol Hill protests.

This trend of rewarding violent behavior with taxpayer money is deeply concerning. It not only undermines the rule of law but also sends a dangerous message that destructive actions can lead to financial gain.

As we continue to see the fallout from these payouts, one thing is clear: it’s the taxpayers who are ultimately footing the bill for this disturbing trend.

This article appeared in StatesmanPost and has been published here with permission.

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Written by Western Reader

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