
TRAGEDY: The Human Toll of the January 6 Investigation Strikes Close to Home

On January 6, 2021, approximately two thousand people protested and entered the US Capitol in Washington, DC, as part of a larger rally against the 2020 election results that had declared Joe Biden the winner.

The consequences of that day have been devastating for the country, with the Biden administration aggressively pursuing anyone even remotely involved.

The personal toll has been immense. This is the story of Kirstyn Niemala…

Persecuted for Patriotism

Niemala was present at the Capitol on January 6 but did not engage in violent behavior or shout at people. She was there to support President Trump and defend the Constitution.

On June 8, Niemala was sentenced to 11 months in jail by DC Judge Christopher Cooper.

Her alleged crimes were similar to those charged against others in the investigation, primarily for disruptive conduct in a restricted area and trespassing in the Capitol.

Niemala is set to enter jail on July 25, a victim of a corrupt regime that aims to silence patriots and punish free speech.

The American Justice System is Broken

At the federal level, the leftist globalist system has infiltrated every branch, including judges who disregard the Constitution.

They are persecuting patriots like Niemala to set an example and deter others from expressing anti-regime views.

Niemala does not fit the stereotypical conservative image: she’s a gay woman who believes in democracy but questions the fairness of the 2020 election.

She represents the kind of person the Democrats claim to support: a minority who believes in democracy and fair elections.

However, because she associated with the “wrong” people and voiced opinions that diverged from the far-left narrative, Niemala is now facing imprisonment.

Her case exposes the true nature of the modern American left: a hate-filled, hypocritical entity that disregards the rights and dignity of its own citizens.

This article appeared in Our Patriot and has been published here with permission.

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Written by Western Reader

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