
Whistleblowers Affirm the Existence of a Conspiracy Regarding Hunter Biden

For a long time, the federal government has been investigating Hunter Biden for various violations of tax and firearms laws.

During the investigation, some Americans suspected that the outcome was predetermined and that Hunter would never be held accountable for repeatedly breaking the law.

This suspicion turned out to be true when it was revealed that Hunter was being offered a lenient deal by the federal government. In exchange for admitting his wrongdoing, the president’s son would face minimal consequences for breaking the law.

Now, a whistleblower has come forward to confirm that the fix was in for Hunter all along, according to the Gateway Pundit.

Examining the Details

Joseph Ziegler and Gary Shapley, both IRS whistleblowers, have informed Congress about the true nature of the investigation into Hunter Biden.

According to their accounts, government officials deliberately undermined the investigation into Hunter’s criminal activities to ensure that the president’s son would not face consequences, despite his actions.

Ziegler and Shapley also assert that officials within the Justice Department sought to prevent investigators from fully uncovering the extent of Hunter’s crimes. Furthermore, other officials connected to Joe Biden interfered on his son’s behalf.

A Double Standard

Unlike Hunter Biden, most Americans do not have influential relatives who can help them out of legal troubles.

The testimony from these IRS whistleblowers only confirms what many Americans have suspected all along – that there is a two-tiered justice system in place.

However, the Biden administration has remained silent about these matters and is unlikely to hold anyone accountable, based on their track record.

Given the history of this White House, Americans should not expect any significant consequences to result from this issue concerning Hunter and the revelations from the whistleblowers.

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Written by Western Reader

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