
Flynn Urges House to Summon Obama as Witness in Durham Report Inquiry

Roger Stone, the host of WABC77 Talk Radio in New York City, recently interviewed General Michael Flynn on his program.

Stone praised Flynn as an exceptional American.

Flynn’s Perspective on the Trump Tower Meeting: Uncovering Inconsistencies

Stone quickly turned the discussion to the controversial briefing that General Flynn and Trump received from John Brennan and James Comey after Trump’s election in 2016.

He suggested that Comey and Brennan intentionally deceived them, accusing them of knowingly presenting the Russia conspiracy theory despite its lack of evidence.

Stone asked Flynn about the Trump Tower meeting on January 6, 2017. Flynn was present with President-elect Trump.

Stone asked if the presentation by CIA Director Brennan, NSA Director Clapper, and FBI Director Comey about supposed Russian interference in the election was persuasive.

Flynn responded firmly, saying he did not find it convincing.

He revealed that he organized the meeting after being approached by Jim Clapper. Admiral Mike Rogers from the National Security Agency was also present.

Most of the presentation was conducted by Admiral Mike Rogers. Flynn specifically asked about their confidence in the information to ensure that Trump, then president-elect, understood it as well.

Flynn’s Critique of Durham Investigation: Calls for Subpoenas, Questioning of Key Figures

Flynn discussed a meeting in the Oval Office before his removal as National Security Advisor.

According to him, this infamous meeting was attended by former President Obama, former Vice President Biden, along with other leading officials, and focused on preventing Trump from assuming his role as President.

Flynn asserted that this meeting was part of a conspiracy aimed at undermining then-President Trump.

Flynn expressed his dissatisfaction with Durham’s handling of the investigation.

He criticized Durham for not summoning key individuals, including Obama, Biden, Comey, McCabe, and others, during his inquiry. Specifically, Flynn believes Comey, Brennan, Clapper, Yates, and Rice should have been subpoenaed and questioned.

This article appeared in Right Wing Insider and has been published here with permission.

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Written by Western Reader

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